Christ Ahnsahnghong is God

Christ Ahnsahnghong is God
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy (Rev 1:3)

Monday, November 25, 2013

world mission society church of God is Good example in the world.

and christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother always teach us love.
John13:15  I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
that is why, world mission society church of God practice love of God to the world.

Veterans Day is a day dedicated to all Americans who have served in the country’s military forces. On this day, everyone can appreciate the ones who fought to keep America “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” On November 11, 2013, the Church of God in Manhattan decided to take this appreciation directly to the veterans at the New York Department of Veterans Affairs Nursing Home. Eleven members of the World Mission Society Church of God gathered together and prepared a “Veteran’s Day Cheer-Up Event.” The goal of the event was to give thanks to the ones who sacrificed for the freedom of America. Since there is nothing that can compare with their great efforts, the members genuinely wanted to put a smile on veterans’ faces and touch their hearts with loving coming from Heavenly Mother’s example of respecting and caring for others. The members visited 35 veterans at the Manhattan Campus of the nursing home. The members performed a play honoring veterans, sang songs to warm up the veterans’ hearts and told patients and staff “We love you!” Little by little, the quiet room began to liven with applause and cheers as the patients interacted more and more with the members. Veterans expressed their sincere thanks for the dedication the members put into the time spent with them. One veteran shared his amazement that such young people would even think of hosting this kind of production. The members of the Church of God were extremely touched by the veterans’ kind words. Upon leaving the nursing home, the members felt a distinct difference in the veterans compared to the time they entered. Two words can explain this dramatic change: Mother’s love.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Those who want to receive love of God, come to christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother who are savior in this age!!

World mission society church of god believe christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother.
And world mission society church of god practice love that is given by christ Ahnsahnghong and God the mother.

--I have been attending the World Mission Society Church of God since 2006, when my friend in college introduced me to the church. After that, I have totally changed, which surprised the people around me. They complimented because I was really high-tempered before. My friends always ask "Why are you so happy?" and I say, "Because I go to the Church of God." WMSCOG has given me great change and became the turning point of my life. They even ask how my wife and I can live without arguing, and harmoniously for 7 years. And we always say, "Because we're attending the Church of God!" My co-workers complimented me because I work so joyfully. My boss even said "Will, you are always positive." I am so happy because I am practicing love, by giving love to others.--