First of all, I would like to give thanks to God the Father and God the Mother for allowing me to realize Their true love.
When I first got the truth and received a lot of care from brothers and sisters in Zion, I thought it is natural to receive love and sometimes, I even felt a little hurt when they did not pay attention to me. However, since I am in the position to give love rather than to receive it, I easily got in trouble suiting every member of the spiritual family.
Then, I could realize that this whole situation had me understand the true mind of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. Our Father and Mother have endured and suffered everything just for the love toward Their Children for a long time.
In spite Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother sincerely care and love all our Heavenly brothers and sisters, I rather hurt them with arrogant mind. I truly give thanks to God for allowing me to realize my shortage and lack.
Just like God the Father and God the Mother who never give up on us, I would also like to become the one who cares each and every brother and sister with earnest mind, waiting patiently to give love to them.
I eagerly desire to go back to our everlasting Heavenly hometown with God the Mother, wearing the perfect robe of angel.
I do believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother accroding to the Bible Certain prophecy. why do we believe in Christ Jesus? because.. Christ Jesus was testified in the Bible. It is very same with Christ Ahnsahnghong.He is being testified in the Bible as well in this age. I hope you may find the Truths through the teachings of Christ Ahnsahnghong. I'd love to prove Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother through the Bible prophecy. God bless you, all who visit my blog.
Christ Ahnsahnghong is God

Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy (Rev 1:3)
If we have the mind of Heavenly Mother, all of us can enter the kingdom of God easily. Her love for us is so great!
ReplyDeleteWe can not live for a while without God the Mother's love.
ReplyDeleteWe can everything through Mother's love and change our heart to Mother's heart.
God the Mother always give love to us because She is our spiritual Mother.