Christ Ahnsahnghong is God

Christ Ahnsahnghong is God
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy (Rev 1:3)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mom’s Day

Mom’s Day
5:00AM - Rise, take shower, makeup
6:00AM - Prepare breakfast and lunch
7:00AM - Wake my husband and children, pack lunches
7:30AM - Give dietary supplements to husband and children
8:00AM - Wash dishes, tidy up kitchen
9:00AM - Do laundry, clean up the house
10:00AM - Go to work
5:00PM - Buy groceries after work
6:00PM - Cook dinner
6:30PM - Prepare supper for my husband
7:00PM - Prepare supper for my daughter coming home from school
7:30PM - Prepare desserts
8:00PM - Wash dishes, clean all the mess, prepare ahead for lunch tomorrow
9:00PM - Fold and iron clothes
10:00PM - Prepare late snack for my eldest daughter coming home from work
11:00PM - Wash dishes, Have conversation with my children
12:00PM - Cleanup the filthy bathroom and organize laundry
1:00PM - Finish arrears of work, keep household accounts
1:30PM - Bedtime

This is Mom's 24 hours.

Though I try to imitate what she's doing, I can never get close.

365 days, every day, for 24 hours, she works for the family.




Every day, for 24 hours, every year for 365 days, for 6,000 years,

Heavenly Mother works for us.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Christ Ahnsahnghong and the Truth Books

Christ Ahnsahnghong sacrificed so much when He was on the earth to save His loving children. During the daytime our Father Ahnsahnghong did very hard working and had rice porridge at meal. And during the nighttime Christ Ahnsahnghong wrote the truth books for His children and let us know the secret of the Bible, God the Mother. Human being must eat some food to live and work, in the same way, the members of the World Mission Society Church of God must eat the spiritual food, the words of Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother, to live forever and ever in the Kingdom of Heaven.
A meal
“…the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes   we are healed.” (Isa 53: 5)
When I was having lunch after reading this verse recently, a thought    flitted through my mind.
“Do I, as a mere sinner deserve to have this wonderful meal?”
On the table, there were boiled rice, some various side dishes and even  delicious stew. What about Father Ahnsahnghong?  He would never have had even a chance to eat one single bowl of warm rice in this world.  Thinking of Heavenly Father who would have preached in the mountain, alleviating His hunger with hardtack and streams, my eyes suddenly ached with tears.
20110726_9459Then I realized that just as Father was whipped for me, such a prodigal sinner, all hunger and raggedness were suffered by Him as well. Even though I always eat square three meals a day, I have never thought about where this peace and comfort we are enjoying right now might come from.  Without the sacrifice and love of God the Father, and God the Mother. We never exist right now.
Our Father Ahnsahngong! I am sorry but give thanks to You.  Even though You always starved, You used to give something to Your children.  Father always loves me with sincerity, even though I continue to commit a sin against Him. Now, as Father asked us to do, I would like to become children of God, who follows Mother until the end wherever She goes.   I intensely miss Father. I hope we could be with Father and Mother soon.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Set a true goal in life [ Christ Ahnsahnghong ,Heavenly Mother, WMSCOG ]

It is important to live faithfully and diligently on this earth, but we should first have a true goal, realizing why we need to live such a faithful life. Life without a goal is meaningless. However, most people set goals in life only for things that are right in front of them, and they live their lives blindly without finding any answers to life. Many people are trying to pursue wealth and glory of the world for themselves or for their family, but unfortunately their efforts mostly end up in vain. Wealth or glory cannot be a true goal in life.

Even Alexander the Great, who is called a hero in the world, could give no other answer than "death" when he was asked what he would do after conquering everything. What about us? An even more meaningful world is waiting for us. So we must not set goals only for making a living on this earth, but for the eternal kingdom of heaven. The reason why God came to this earth is also for the salvation of human beings, and God says that saving a soul is saving the world. Let us live a truly meaningful and blessed life by leading many souls to salvation, starting with our family and neighbors. And let us please and glorify Father and Mother by bearing abundant good fruit while setting a good example for others by living our lives faithfully on this earth as well.

Elohim, who have all authority in heaven and on earth, have given us the authority to decide the future of mankind and commanded us to go. They have also given us courage by saying, "Do not be afraid; I am with you and will help you always." There are still many nations and peoples that have not heard the gospel of God yet. Let us all preach the gospel to them, so that the glorious day can quickly come when all human beings will be saved. Keeping in mind again the mission given to us in this age, let us preach the glory of the New Jerusalem to the whole world as children of Elohim, so that all mankind will be saved in the arms of Heavenly Mother and enter the eternal kingdom of heaven together.

Friday, July 12, 2013

King Cyrus and Christ Ahnsahnghong

King Cyrus and Christ Ahnsahnghong

There are many prophecy about second coming christ in the bible.
And among the prophecy,  achievement of King Cyrus of Persia was written in the Bible. 
Why was his achievement recorded in the Bible? Cyrus, a Gentile king, represents the Messiah.
This is what the LORD says to Cyrus, his anointed one, whose right hand he will empower… (Isaiah 45:1)
The word Messiah literally means “anointed one.” Cyrus had never been anointed and was not the Messiah. King Cyrus represents the Messiah who will appear in these days. Just as Cyrus, a Gentile king, freed the Jews from the physical Babylon, so the spiritual Cyrus, a Gentile, will free the spiritual Jews [the people of God] from the spiritual Babylon [a false church].

Actually, there is a record about the spiritual Babylon which would be fallen.
After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor [by the splendor of the Passover]. With a mighty voice he shouted: “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird. (Revelation 18:1-2)
It’s prophesied that the spiritual Babylon, a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, would be fallen in the end. Babylon was full of idolatry (see the book “Daniel”). Likewise, the spiritual Babylon, which is a home for demons, is also full of idolatry.
Then, who is the spiritual Cyrus who will unveil the truth and destroy the spiritual Babylon? The prophecy of King Cyrus is about Christ Ahnsahnghong. Christ Ahnsahnghong revealed the identity of Babylon through the Passover. When King Josiah celebrated the Passover, he was able to recognize every kinds of idols within the temple and destroyed such idols (2 Kings 23:21-24.) Whenever the people of god keeps the Passover, they can recognize the idols within the church. The light that exposes a home for demons is that of the truth of the Passover.
From the east I summon a bird of prey [eagle]; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. (Isaiah 46:11)
The above prophecy was fulfilled by King Cyrus first. But the main fulfillment of it is by Christ Ahnsahnghong who came from the east, a far-off land or Korea. Today, there are many churches and denominations around the world. However, most of them follow man-made rules such as Sunday service, Easter and Christmas, and forsake the teachings of the Bible. Will be there holy angels in a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit? The World Mission Society Church of God, established by Christ Ahnsahnghong, observes the Passover of the New Covenant and all other feasts of God including the Sabbath day by following the teachings of the Bible. Please believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong, the spiritual Cyrus, who freed us from the spiritual Babylon.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mom’s dream

Mom’s dream

In my mom’s cell phone, my number is saved in the name of “my dream”.
One day, I asked her with some curiosity, “Mom, why did you save my number like that?”
“My girl is mom’s everything.  Her life is my life and she is my dream and that is why I did it.”

When I feel pleased, so does she, and when I feel sad, she feels more sorrowful.
I must be mom’s everything and her only hope for sure.

-   children is a dream and hope and the reason that live of all mothers in this world.
sometimes,we can see that some parents who has lost children suffered in life.
because they have lost a dream and the reason they should live.
they concentrate to find the lost children behind their lives.
Likewise,our heavenly mother came to this earth to find lost children,us.
Though she was suffering because of us,
she’s never forgotten.
so we give eternal thanks and honor to you mother.